Sunday 19 October 2014

A Disappointing Product: Tanya Burr Cosmetics Nail Polish

Tanya Burr Cosmetics, created by the lovely Tanya Burr, have been buzzing around the Twitter/Instagram/Youtube world for a while now, and with more products due to be announced very shortly, the buzz will most certainly continue. 

I decided to cave and buy one of the nail polishes, Little Duck, I loved the colour (reminded me of my favourite Essie shade Mint Candy Apple) and thought I would give it a try, so I bought this one on Feel Unique for £5.99 about 1 month ago. I had been putting off using it until I could try it and test it out for a post on here, and had been keeping it out of the sunlight in a bag under my desk.

 To my amazement this is what it now looks like..