Thursday 5 February 2015

Hello 2015

I'm a little late to the party on this one (how is it February already?!) but Happy New Year! I'm not really a big fan of the 'New Year, New Me' band wagon that everyone seems to have been on, but I will be predictable and give you a list of my wishes to accomplish this year:

1. Take more photos - I take a ridiculous amount of photos as it is, but I rarely take photos of myself/myself with my family and friends, this needs to change so I can complete no.2!

2. Project Life - I have become addicted to scrapbooking and have been using the Project Life platform to document major events.

3. Blogging - I really slacked off these last 2 years, I am going to focus on it more, hoping to grow my followers and create great content.

4. Career - I graduated from University last year, and since then have just been working at Boots, I am still unsure as to what I want to do with my life, but I am determined to figure it out and kick start my career in 2015.

5. Travel - I want to travel the world, I know that I won't be able to achieve that in one year, but I want to start going to places I've never been, most likely in Europe to start with, for spontaneous weekend trips (providing I have the time & money!!!) 

These are just a few things I want to aim for in 2015, no fad diet or gym commitments for me..

What are your wishes for 2015? Let me know :) 

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